Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.
People in far eastern countries use languages that are quite different from English, and live in a time zone that’s largely incompatible from the U.S./Europe time. So naturally these folks tend to keep things to themselves. That’s why I’ve been wanting to do a meet-up in Seoul for some time, yet I didn’t know anyone there to get one going. That...
The Jenkins survey we’ve been running since the Jenkins User Conference in San Francisco has concluded. All in all we counted 721 responses --- thanks everyone for voicing their thoughts! Naturally, it took a while to tally that many responses, but thanks to Lisa, we now have the result in time for the holiday. As you can see in our installation tracking,...
"> 우리는 2013년 1월25일 저녁에 Jenkins meet-up을 삼성전자와 함께 준비하고 있습니다. Meet-up은 서초사옥에서 진행될 예정이며 추후 변경될 수 있습니다. 발표자는 일본 커뮤니티에서 활동중인 Cactuman과 삼성이고 Groovy script를 이용한 job 일괄설정 에 대해서 발표할 예정입니다. Jenkins를 설치한 통계를 통해 저희도 한국에 많은 사용자가 있다는것을 알고 있었습니다. 지금까지는 메인 Jenkins community에서 컨택하는데 실패했었지만 이번에 그런 상황이 해결된것에 너무 흥분됩니다. 이번 meet-up에 참가할 의사가 있으면 meetup.com 에 회답해 주시면 됩니다. 참가비는...
What better way to end the year than to come join a little Jenkins hackathon this Friday afternoon with Kohsuke (the core developer), Max Spring (Jenkow plugin), and hopefully other Jenkins hackers? We’ll do this at CloudBees Los Altos office, starting around Friday 1pm. View CloudBees Los Altos office in a larger map Our plan is to primarily hack on the Jenkow plugin,...
The last Jenkins office hour of the year hosts Robert Sandell and Tomas Westling, who will go over newly open-sourced metadata plugin from Sony Mobile Communications (more about this story on their website). This team from Sony Mobile has been known for several other popular plugins, including the Gerrit trigger plugin. And I think this latest batch of plugins will...
As per the discussion in the project meeting today, we created a new mailing list events@lists.jenkins-ci.org for: discussing and coordinating Jenkins related events share knowledge between different local communities helping new organizers by having existing community people offering advice improving visibility and transparency of event organization work If you are interested in facilitating local communities (being from Japan, I know for a fact that a...
+ + We are trying to raise $2000 travel grants for assisting Jenkins contributors to travel, meet, and strengthen their relationships with the other Jenkins contributors. Specifically, we have FOSDEM and SCALE11x in mind, in which there already are a fair amount of Jenkins contributors concentration. Being an open-source project, Jenkins developers are highly dispersed, yet a lot gets done in...
(This is a guest post by Tony França) Hi all, my name is Tony, I’m the creator of (FreedomSponsors) and today I want to talk how Jenkins has inspired me to build it. Before starting, I’d like to thank the Jenkins crew for letting me publish this guest post in their blog. On top of that, thank you for maintaining Jenkins as well...
Just like the last year, we are running a survey this year, to get some objective insights into what our users would like to see in the project. Obviously, the developers in the project deal with individual bug reports and feature requests all the time, but sometimes those day-to-day issues distract you from a bigger picture. This year, we kept some...